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Teacher Timesaving Tips in Mathletics

By |2019-11-13T22:18:49+00:00April 3rd, 2019|Categories: Using Mathletics|

Our 3P Learning experts have compiled their list of top timesaving tips for use in Mathletics.

1. Pre-Assign Activities

Do you have your lessons planned for the next week, month, or even full semester? You can in Mathletics! From the teacher console, you can pre-assign activities to your students based on which topics you will be discussing in the future.

2. Use the Results Section to Re-Assign Activities

Save time by re-assigning topics while you are in the RESULTS section instead of assigning through the activity section. This way, you have a quick view of where students are at in their learning and can quickly assign more practice activities in that topic.

3. Review Strengths and Weaknesses for the Class

In the REPORTS section, you can get an overview of your class’s strengths and weaknesses. This feature will help you determine which topics your students require additional review on.

4. Utilize Mathletics eBooks

Finding curriculum-aligned activities and lesson plans can be difficult. Instead of heading to Google, visit the Mathletics eBook LIBRARY for some great teaching resources. Use the new search function to look at specific topics and use these books for teaching or individual-lead activities.

5. Visit Our Free Classroom Printables Page

Check out our free printables page to download classroom posters, student certificates, wall charts, and factsheets. You can use these to reward students on a job well done or to make math more present around your classroom!