Explore the fun, interactive (and educational) world of Mathletics improving students’ maths skills all over the world.
Between the 1st and 29th of March, join 100s of classrooms as they explore the treasure trove of maths fun (aka. Learning resources) in Mathletics and build skills to win fantastic prizes!
Engage students
with maths learning
1 month of
unlimited access
For students
aged 5-16
Complete goals
to win prizes
New student and teacher goals will be released here and sent to your registered email address each week. Keep an eye on your inbox!
Getting students engaged in maths is more than half the battle and nothing captivates students like Mathletics. The winning combination of exciting interfaces, awards, rewards and engaging activities mean that students actually want to learn with Mathletics.
“Integral to our secondary math lessons”
Whether it’s engaging students, managing the wide spectrum of maths ability at secondary level or having access to dynamic and technology-driven learning resources, secondary maths teachers love teaching with Mathletics.