Teacher Webinars2019-08-06T03:46:40+00:00

Teacher Webinars

Our free webinars (online seminars) cover everything from Mathletics basics to advanced use and application – there’s always something new to learn. Check out our list of upcoming webinars to find a topic and session time that best suits you!

Upcoming teacher webinars

Mathletics Teacher Console2019-05-16T05:17:00+00:00

Classes: This is a 30-minute webinar that looks at how to edit, create, delete groups and move students between classes and groups. We will also look at viewing whole class details, unassigning and printing sign-in cards for students.

Results: This is a 20-minute webinar that covers viewing results by student activities and review of students results by activity.

Courses & Tests: This 30-minute webinar covers viewing of courses, modifying, copying and creating custom courses and setting Tests.

Library & Student: This is a 20-minute webinar covering the e-Books in the Library and the Student console for primary and secondary via the teacher’s console.

Assign & settings: This is 20-minute webinar covers assigning, unassigning and modifying dates for activities.

Contact us for upcoming events


Mathletics Admin Console2019-05-16T05:16:20+00:00

Mathletics New Admin Rollover: This 20 minute webinar will help school SubCo’s to complete the rollover for 2019.

Mathletics New Admin Reports: This is a 30-minute webinar that covers students’ achievement and improvement, effort and participation, student reports and certificates as well as class activity and usage report.

Contact us for upcoming events