Where can I find Understanding, Practice and Fluency (UPF) in Mathletics?
Understanding Practice and Fluency (UPF) is now known as Skill Quests. For teachers, you can assign Skill Quests to your students through [...]
Do I have access to a Demo student account in Mathletics?
Yes. You can access it by doing the following: Sign into your teacher account Select ‘Student View’ Select the class and [...]
How do I move a student from one class to another in Mathletics?
Log into your Mathletics Teacher or school’s Administrator account Select ‘Manage Students’ (Teacher console) or ‘School Roll’ and then ‘Manage School [...]
How do I reset my teacher password in Mathletics?
Head to login.mathletics.com/forgot-password Enter in your email address Select ‘Recover password’ Check your emails If you get a message about email verification, [...]
How do I reset/edit my student’s password in Mathletics?
Log into your Mathletics Teacher account or School’s admin account Select ‘Manage Students’ Find the student(s) Select the pencil next to [...]
How do I delete a student in Mathletics?
Log into your Mathletics Teacher account Select ‘Manage Students’ from the left-hand side Select the tick box next to the student’s [...]
How do I add a student to Mathletics?
Log into your school’s Mathletics Admin account Select ‘School roll’ Select ‘Manage school roll’ Select ‘+ Add Student’ Add in their [...]
How do I add a new teacher to Mathletics?
You can add a new teacher by uploading them with a student class list. Alternatively, you can add them separately by [...]
How do I print student login cards for Mathletics?
Sign into your Mathletics teacher console. Select ‘Manage Students’ Select ‘Download Sign-in cards’ from the bottom of the screen Select either [...]