Why do parents and tutors choose Mathletics?
Supporting parents and tutors
Whether you’re looking to reinforce classroom learning or for a homeschooling solution, Mathletics is designed to help parents and tutors get the best out of their kids and students.
Supporting parents and tutors
Whether you’re looking to reinforce classroom learning or for a homeschooling solution, Mathletics is designed to help parents and tutors get the best out of their kids and students.
Easy to use
Mathletics is simple to use and navigate for you and your kids. Set activities, see achievements and check results in seconds, while your kids can get in and learn in the program independently and with confidence.
Fits your schedule
Mathletics is made to work for you. Shape lessons, homework and activities to your schedule and lifestyle. Keep track of your kids development at home or on the go through the free app.
Learning made fun
Mathletics keeps young minds engaged with maths learning through exciting challenges, lessons and games, helping your kids develop essential lifelong maths skills.
Learning made fun
Mathletics keeps young minds engaged with maths learning through exciting challenges, lessons and games, helping your kids develop essential lifelong maths skills.
Aligned to the NZ School Curriculum
Built on a foundation of solid curriculum-led content and designed by a team of veteran educators, Mathletics complements and reinforces schoolwork and classroom learning.
Aligned to the NZ School Curriculum
Built on a foundation of solid curriculum-led content and designed by a team of veteran educators, Mathletics complements and reinforces schoolwork and classroom learning.
Build your own homeschool curriculum
Mathletics is a flexible learning tool, allowing you to create your own homeschooling educational journey and curriculum. Set courses, homework and activities based on your knowledge of your kids’ strengths and challenges.
Build your own homeschool curriculum
Mathletics is a flexible learning tool, allowing you to create your own homeschooling educational journey and curriculum. Set courses, homework and activities based on your knowledge of your kids’ strengths and challenges.
Progress reporting
Keep up to date on your kids’ progress with detailed reporting sent to you by Mathletics. Find where they’re succeeding, struggling, and how you can help them achieve better understanding.
Progress reporting
Keep up to date on your kids’ progress with detailed reporting sent to you by Mathletics. Find where they’re succeeding, struggling, and how you can help them achieve better understanding.
For Students of All Ages
Engaging Early Learners in Numeracy
Blending number tasks with story-telling, augmented reality, and video, Mathletics is the perfect first-step to bring early learners into the world of numeracy.
For Early Learners
Adaptive Primary Learner Lessons and Activities
Supported through animated tutorials and audio support, Mathletics adapts to help and challenge primary maths learners, encouraging them to think critically, make learning choices and reflect on their learning.
For Primary Learners
Study-Focused Secondary Learner Programs
A more mature Mathletics! Designed for secondary students of all learning styles, Mathletics uses adaptive practice activities, interactive content and a huge library of print-friendly eBooks to help your students understand and master increasingly complex maths concepts.
For Secondary Learners
What do parents and home educators think about Mathletics?
Mathletics is an invaluable online and offline resource to reinforce math concepts introduced in school and to also help your child consolidate their understanding.
My son initially did not understand algebra, but by viewing the Mathletics video tutorials and by completing the Mathletics Grade 7 algebra workbook, these enabled him to have that ‘light bulb moment’ where he understood the logic.
He is now top of his class for all areas of algebra and he is also in the top group for math. This was only achievable due to the excellent home learning resources that Mathletics provides.
I’m currently training to be a Teaching Assistant and came across your site at the school I am working at. I was fascinated by the fact that the kids absolutely loved maths through Mathletics – things have certainly moved on since I was at school! I told my daughter about Mathletics and she signed my grandson on to it, also signing him onto Spellodrome. At last, useful time on the computer! He has come on in leaps and bounds in both subjects and he loves getting the certificates. I also have a grand-daughter who is yet to be signed up and I know she will absolutely benefit 100% from Mathletics and Spellodrome. I am so pleased with Mathletics, I tell everyone I can who has young children about how fantastic Mathletics is! Surprisingly, there are still some schools out there who are not using Mathletics and some parents who have not heard of it!
My daughter has recently started getting to grips with the Multiverse and she’s loving it.
Mathletics is brilliant and I have seen with my own eyes what a solid foundation in maths it has given both my children. They are confident and comfortable with the subject and I believe that Mathletics is the reason.