Here’s how Mathletics brings out the best in your learners

Challenging and supporting learning
Mathletics activities can provide the right level of challenge for learners – not so easy it’s boring, not so hard it’s demoralising. Guided learning through hints and support ensure your child is never too far away from a helping hand, contuing the learning journey seamlessly.
Engaging and motivating activities
Every activity in Mathletics was made to captivate and reward learners. Engaging progress animations, certificates, points and exploration keep your child focused on learning, and eager to seek out new achievements.

Keeping track of progress
Weekly parent-friendly reports give you an insight into your child’s learning. Knowing where they’re succeeding and struggling gives you the chance to celebrate their achievements, work together on their challenges, and have a new way to work with teachers on supporting your child’s learning.
Encouraging practice and fluency
Mathletics was designed to help learners thrive in their practice. Games and engaging activities bring joy to learning, reinforcing school learning in the home while having fun.

Here’s how Mathletics brings out the best in your learners

Challenging and supporting learning
Mathletics activities can provide the right level of challenge for learners – not so easy it’s boring, not so hard it’s demoralising. Guided learning through hints and support ensure your child is never too far away from a helping hand, contuing the learning journey seamlessly.

Engaging and motivating activities
Every activity in Mathletics was made to captivate and reward learners. Engaging progress animations, certificates, points and exploration keep your child focused on learning, and eager to seek out new achievements.

Keeping track of progress
Weekly parent-friendly reports give you an insight into your child’s learning. Knowing where they’re succeeding and struggling gives you the chance to celebrate their achievements, work together on their challenges, and have a new way to work with teachers on supporting your child’s learning.

Encouraging practice and fluency
Mathletics was designed to help learners thrive in their practice. Games and engaging activities bring joy to learning, reinforcing school learning in the home while having fun.